Every time you or your workers set foot on a new construction or renovation site, you take stock of the different risks and dangers to avoid. You spot the small pieces of concrete flying up into the air as your colleagues drill into the ground. You notice the sharp power-tools slicing through slabs of rock and quartz. You keep an eye on the massive cement mixer kicking up dust as it crushes and mixes its heavy concoction. But what about the dangers you can’t see? Can you detect the fumes, smoke and dust that rush through your respiratory system and cling dangerously to your lungs? We do. That’s why we’ve spent decades keeping you informed on potential risks and improving respiratory protection products that help keep your lungs out of harm’s way.
Silica is a basic component of soil, sand and rock. It is one of the most widespread minerals on earth. It is most commonly found in quartz, which in turn is used in products like concrete, brick, ceramic tiles, and more. Though it exists in many forms, it becomes crystalline and airborne when exposed to high heat or intense pressure like abrasive cutting, crushing and sawing. For many, minuscule particles of airborne Crystalline Silica pose a serious risk. This webinar will give you an overview of what you need to know in order to avoid the serious long-term harm Silica could do to your lungs. It will outline health concerns and controls that can be implemented to minimize worker exposures.